3 Tips for Starting a Business While Raising Young Children

This blog post may be encouragement for myself as much as it is advice. Starting a business and having two young kiddos (plus a puppy!) is TOUGH. It requires much and takes time and patience to feel like you are balancing everything gracefully. Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a working parent, or someone starting a new venture, below are three things I’ve learned and tried to hone in on over the years.

  1. Take YOUR time - Your business will happen in its time. Don’t feel discouraged that you may be running out of time or that what you bring to the table will expire. There will always be an audience ready and waiting. The time we devote to our families is not wasted or unproductive. It is the foundation for everything!

  2. Create a plan - Without a plan, it’s easy to feel like we are spinning our wheels without moving forward. Each day can blur into the next. Create a 5-year, 1-year and day-by-day plan that works for you and your family. While you still have young kiddos at home, this is a great time to set some building blocks for your business. Educate yourself, give thought to your process, talk with others in the field, get organized. Once you are ready to devote more time to your business, you will have a solid foundation to work from.

  3. Find a support system - You don’t have to do it all and you don’t have to do it alone. Find your people who can come alongside and support you. Be honest with your partner and loved ones about what you need and inform them of your long-term plan. Others can support you with their time, resources, and encouragement. When your people are aligned with your vision, it is so life-giving!

If you are in the thick of this phase (like me) or have additional tools and tips that you would love to share, I would love to hear from you! Click the ‘Contact Me’ button below so that we can connect and subscribe to my newsletter for more design-related content!